Rolled Back Cassettes
“Rolled Back Cassettes" is a short experimental film that delves into the intricate world of a woman haunted by her lack of a genuine childhood memory. Seeking solace and closure, she embarks on a journey to confront her past, leading to a profound self-discovery. The film is divided into three distinct parts, each representing a significant aspect of the woman's emotional exploration. It is a visually captivating and introspective film that explores the complexities of memory, self-perception, and the power of acceptance. Through the woman's journey, viewers are invited to reflect on the influence of past experiences and the transformative potential of embracing one's true history.
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Rolled Back CassettesAlessandro Siani - Tienimi presente
7.0Pokémon the Movie 2000
6.7Panic in the Mailroom
6.7Ebirah, Horror of the Deep
6.4Object: Alimony
6.0Training Wheels
7.0Scooby-Doo! Winter WonderDog
9.0Nice Dreams
5.9My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Spring Breakdown
8.4A Triumph of the Heart: The Ricky Bell Story
5.5Son of Batman
7.0The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends
6.1Book of Dragons
7.4WWE WrestleMania 31
7.4Taxi 3
5.7Welcome to the Jungle