Tammy Cheung

Tammy Cheung was born in Shanghai in 1958 and moved to Hong Kong at an early age. She studied

sociology in Hong Kong and film studies at Montreal’s Concordia University. In 1986, she founded the

Chinese International Film Festival in Montreal, showcasing films made by Chinese film‐makers and

films with Chinese content, and was director of the Festival from 1986 and 1992. She made her  

directorial debut in 1999 and together with her collaborator and cinematographer Augustine

Lam she founded Reality Film Productions in Hong Kong in 2002, a production company that produces

and distributes social documentaries. Her works include Invisible Women (1999), Secondary School

(2002), Rice Distribution (2002), Moving (2003), War (2003), July (2004), Speaking up (2005); Village

Middle School (2006) and Speaking up 2 (2007). Rice Distribution won the Grand Prize and Open

category Gold Award at the 2002 Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards 2002. Her films

utilize the observational approach characteristic of American documentarist Frederick Wiseman’s

Direct Cinema style. Cheung is an engaging story‐teller, motivated by a wish to critique many of the

inadequate social structures in Hong Kong, and to enable viewers to empathize with ordinary people

and their aspirations. Tammy Cheung’s work has been presented in film festivals in Amsterdam, Rome,

Seoul, Toronto, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore and major cities in China.