Kaori Ravi

Born on the island of Martinique, Kaori Ravi's early years were spent moving as his mother's health and his father's shifting career required. The young graphic artist got permission to draw art on the shop window in 2015 and kept doing it for several months. A few years later, he started training under the guidance of actress and stage performer Rita Ravier (known for Battledream Chronicle). The growing acting skills were only noticed by those fortunate enough to have seen them perform multiple parts in the school performance of the play "La Terre qui ne voulait plus tourner" by Françoise du Chaxel. When the casting call came for Opal,with the stipulation that all candidates would need to be able to read for the parts in English, a rare occurrence on the French-speaking territory, Kaori auditioned. He was barely 14 when recording for the film. Child actors are an unusual thing in the history of Martinican film. Child actors taking on a foreign language part, in Martinique? Definitely unusual!