Mikael John Robert Hallström, born January 28, 1987, in Varberg, Sweden, is a YouTuber and artist, best known as Cluee News, and previously as Clueless Swede and 2 Världar. He runs a popular YouTube channel, which, as of 2024, had around 247,000 subscribers, where he reports on news related to the Swedish YouTube community and social media in Sweden.
Hallström was ranked 11th in the Göteborg category of the Medieakademin's Power Barometer in 2020, an annual list compiled by the organization.
Born in 1987 in Varberg, Mikael moved to Gothenburg at the age of six. He began releasing rap songs under the artist name 2 Världar in 2007. Now operating under the pseudonym Cluee News, he focuses on news reporting for his Swedish YouTube channel.
In addition to news reporting, Hallström has managed several smaller YouTubers through the network Ninetone Records. In 2019, he released an album on various digital platforms, and in 2021, he released the single "Lamborghini" with Joakim Lundell. That same year, Hallström co-authored his autobiography, Förbjuden kärlek, with Pernilla Karlsson, detailing how he met his future wife, Ranja, as a teenager and the challenges they faced, including having to keep their relationship a secret due to her Muslim family’s disapproval.