TV Nation
TV Nation is a satirical newsmagazine television series written, directed and hosted by Michael Moore that was co-funded and originally broadcast by NBC in the United States and BBC2 in the United Kingdom. The show blended humor and journalism into provocative reports about various issues. After moving to Fox for its second season, the show won an Emmy Award in 1995 for Outstanding Informational Series. TV Nation was created in the wake of the success Moore had with the documentary Roger & Me, prompting Warner Bros. television to ask Moore for television series ideas. In January 1993 NBC green-lit a pilot episode which took three months to complete. Interest from the BBC prompted NBC to insert the show into its summer 1994 lineup.
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TV NationMichael Moore Live
7.0Mr. Terrific
7.1Rap for Youth
7.3Hilarious Family
5.5Vänligen: Lars Lerin
9.0A Landscape of Love
6.0¿Qué fue de Jorge Sanz?
7.0Hot Sluts
5.3Black Familia: The Shindo's Revenge
6.0The Defective
6.8Der Arzt vom Wörthersee
7.0No Body is perfect – Das Nacktexperiment
6.0Christmas Cookie Challenge
6.3Un sur 2
7.3Billy Connolly's World Tour of New Zealand
7.0Sweet 18
4.7Europe's New Wild