Cross Wits
Crosswits is a British television quiz show produced by Cove Productions and Action Time in association with Tyne Tees and filmed from their City Road studios in Newcastle upon Tyne. It ran from 1985 to 1998. It was originally hosted by Barry Cryer for the first 2 series, then comedian Tom O'Connor took over from series 3 until the show ended. The show consisted of two members of the public competing against each other to solve simple crossword puzzles. Each member of the public was helped out by a "celebrity" partner. The announcers for the show were generally Tyne Tees continuity announcers such as Judi Lines, Jonathan Morrell and Bill Steel.
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Cross Wits1994
7.3The World Is Yours
7.0The Philco Television Playhouse
6.0Son Nefesime Kadar
8.0The Obsolete Geek
6.0Co teď a co potom?
6.1Isan Souzoku
7.0Rosins Restaurants – Ein Sternekoch räumt auf!
6.0Celebrity Lingo
7.3Blown Away: Christmas
5.1The Real Housewives of Melbourne
3.4Az elveszett ember
9.0My Beloved Sister
2.6Kasaba Doktoru