Beloved of Earth
The film shows the life story of the martyred poet (Fayek Abdul-Jalil), whose words were sung by many of the most prominent Gulf artists, including (Abdul-Rab Idris), (Talal Maddah), (Abu Bakr Salem), and (Ebadi Al-Jawhar), who became after his arrest by the Iraqi forces, the most famous Kuwaiti prisoner during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the early nineties, after writing many patriotic songs.
The film shows the life story of the martyred poet (Fayek Abdul-Jalil), whose words were sung by many of the most prominent Gulf artists, including (Abdul-Rab Idris), (Talal Maddah), (Abu Bakr Salem), and (Ebadi Al-Jawhar), who became after his arrest by the Iraqi forces, the most famous Kuwaiti prisoner during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in the early nineties, after writing many patriotic songs.
Faisal Al-Amiri
فايق (بالغًا)
Abdullah Al-Tararwah
فايق (شابًا) / فارس
Hanan Al-Mahdi
أم فارس
Latifa Al-Mejren
أم فايق
Abdullah Al-Turkumani
Ali Mohsen
عبدالحسين عبدالرضا
سعاد عبدالله
Jamal Al-Radhan
Dhari Abdulredha
أبو بكر سالم
Abdul Mohsen Al-Qaffas
Abdulaziz Behbahani
Sulaiman Al-Yaseen
Ibrahim Al-Sheikhly
Sami Mahawish
إبراهيم الصلال
Meshari Al-Mujaibel
عبادي الجوهر
Abdullah Al-Zaid
عبدالله الراشد