Purbarag follows the journey of Indranath, a young man deeply influenced by his early childhood experiences. Orphaned at a young age, Indranath finds solace and guidance from his teacher, Jatileswar Chatterjee, and his family. After completing his education, Indranath returns to his hometown and encounters both familiar faces and new challenges. The film explores themes of loss, love, friendship, and the search for meaning in life. Indranath's experiences reflect the societal changes and cultural shifts of the time. Through his interactions with various characters, he grapples with the complexities of human nature and the importance of personal values.
Purbarag follows the journey of Indranath, a young man deeply influenced by his early childhood experiences. Orphaned at a young age, Indranath finds solace and guidance from his teacher, Jatileswar Chatterjee, and his family. After completing his education, Indranath returns to his hometown and encounters both familiar faces and new challenges. The film explores themes of loss, love, friendship, and the search for meaning in life. Indranath's experiences reflect the societal changes and cultural shifts of the time. Through his interactions with various characters, he grapples with the complexities of human nature and the importance of personal values.
Jiben Bose
Kamal Mitra
Somnath (Zamindar)
Dipak Mukherjee
Indranath (Son of Zamindar)
Pramila Tribedi
Bipin Mukherjee
Naresh Bose
Jahar Roy
Giribala Devi
Samar Mitra
Santosh Singha
Rajlakshmi Devi
Rekha Chatterjee
Shib Bhattacharya
Bijoli Mukhopadhyay
Ashu Bose
Ajit Chatterjee
Indu Mukherjee
Ramapati (Attorney)
Suprova Mukerjee
Rama (Wife of Ramapati)