Inspired by the poetic interventions made by Nicanor Parra, Enrique Lihn and Alejandro Jodorowsky in 1952, Enrique Lihn and Alejandro Jodorowsky in 1952, Quebrantahuesos is a collage between a collage between Chilean films from the militant agit-prop imaginary and the filmic record of the walls after the October revolt of 2019. of 2019. The result is a plastic encounter between the political slogans of the past and the present. political slogans of the past and the present.
Inspired by the poetic interventions made by Nicanor Parra, Enrique Lihn and Alejandro Jodorowsky in 1952, Enrique Lihn and Alejandro Jodorowsky in 1952, Quebrantahuesos is a collage between a collage between Chilean films from the militant agit-prop imaginary and the filmic record of the walls after the October revolt of 2019. of 2019. The result is a plastic encounter between the political slogans of the past and the present. political slogans of the past and the present.