This Is Kate Bennett...
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
In this pilot for a prospective TV series, Kate Bennett is an investigative TV news reporter whose life is imperiled, along with that of her young daughter Jennifer, after she doggedly pursues the story of a sniper attack on several nurses.
Janet Eilber
Kate Bennett
David Haskell
Marv Epstein
Greg Mullavey
Ed Fiore
Kyle Richards
Jennifer Bennett
Granville Van Dusen
Tim Maxwell
James Noble
Tom Fairmont
Larry Breeding
Seth Greenwald
David Groh
Jeff Bennett
Helen Page Camp
Mrs. Harris
Joel Bailey
Bill Harris
Dick Anthony Williams
Leonard Hayes
Nora Heflin
Pat Gans
Stephanie Blackmore
Melissa Morgan
Jennifer Perito
Esther O'Donnell
Daniel Zacapa
Manny Resinos
William Bogert
Royce Wallace
Virginia Watson
Bever-Leigh Banfield
Maura Wilson
Carole Tru Foster
Fred Holliday
Larry Hamilton
William Callaway
Morris Steinman
Michael Talbott
Gary Harris
John Stuart West
Newsroom Stage Manager