Land of the Free
In this sequel to "Home of the Brave," Noah makes the decision to join the stoic Lieutenant McCluskey and battle-fatigued Sergeant Roberts' squad, venturing into war-torn Virginia once more. However, upon facing combat, Noah and the squad are quickly beset by doubt, fear, and distrust, forcing some to question their true allies.
In this sequel to "Home of the Brave," Noah makes the decision to join the stoic Lieutenant McCluskey and battle-fatigued Sergeant Roberts' squad, venturing into war-torn Virginia once more. However, upon facing combat, Noah and the squad are quickly beset by doubt, fear, and distrust, forcing some to question their true allies.
Max Beers
Lieutenant McCluskey
Joe Bekiranov
Noah Whittaker
Shannon Bittner
Brooke Maddocks
Andrei Danilov
Soviet Captive
Kemper Goodman
NAF Soldier #1
Henry Ham
Jack Hartogensis
NAF Soldier #2
Luca Huff
Brent Crenshaw
Jack Kircher
Sergeant Roberts
Ian Legallo-Malone
Corporal Hamdan
Serena Loomba
Sierra Crenshaw
Tylar Schmitt
Josh St. Hill
John Thomas
Luther Hudson
Will Wagoner
NAF Soldier #3