Soerabaia 45
Set on 10 November in Surabaya, this historical event, features historic leaders, such as Bung Tomo, the tearing of the Dutch flag, the killing of a British general etc. This heroic tale is a grassroot point of view of history.
Set on 10 November in Surabaya, this historical event, features historic leaders, such as Bung Tomo, the tearing of the Dutch flag, the killing of a British general etc. This heroic tale is a grassroot point of view of history.
Teguh Harianto
Indra Gunawan
Anneke Putri
Maya Sigit
Masadji Paratama
Sasetyo Wilutomo
Nyoman Swandayani
Ade Irawan
Dita Agustina
Leo Kristi
Yacok Handoko
Avieq Rafch
S. Bono
Halim Faus
Jill P Kalaran
Usman Effendy
Marno Mochtar
Agus Tri Prasetyo
Sutanto Suphiady
Rudy Wowor
Lutfi Rahman
Wicky Pelupessy
Yashime Shofuda