Buya Hamka: Vol. III
Depicts Hamka's childhood in Maninjau, West Sumatra, where he showed a great interest in tradition and literature, despite neglecting his education at the pesantren and often clashing with his father. After his mother divorced his father, Hamka went to Mecca to learn about organization, the hajj manasik system, and to pursue his life's greatest mission, building Islam in Indonesia. However, Hamka still struggled with his father and met Siti Raham, an extraordinary woman who became his greatest inspiration in life.
Depicts Hamka's childhood in Maninjau, West Sumatra, where he showed a great interest in tradition and literature, despite neglecting his education at the pesantren and often clashing with his father. After his mother divorced his father, Hamka went to Mecca to learn about organization, the hajj manasik system, and to pursue his life's greatest mission, building Islam in Indonesia. However, Hamka still struggled with his father and met Siti Raham, an extraordinary woman who became his greatest inspiration in life.
Vino G. Bastian
Buya Hamka
Laudya Cynthia Bella
Siti Raham
Donny Damara
Haji Rasul
Mathias Muchus
Sutan Mansur
Teuku Rifnu Wikana
Kariman Amin
Desy Ratnasari
Ummi Safiah
Ayu Laksmi
Marthino Lio
Reza Rahadian
H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto
Verdi Solaiman
Abdul Karim/ Oei Tjeng Hien
Rey Bong
Hamka (young)
Bima Azriel
Rusydi (young)
Izzati Khansa
Siti Raham (young)
Zayyan Sakha
Zaki (young)