Last Summer: Zombie Town
In the tiny town of Nagievsk in the Sverdlovsk region, a catastrophe occurred. As a result of a failed experiment by scientists, the experimental virus they invented ended up in the drinking water, turning the townspeople into a horde of decaying undead, ready to devour anything in their path. Nagievsk was placed under quarantine and erased from all existing maps. Officially, such a town no longer exists. And it is precisely there that a young man named Max is heading from the nearby town of Porechensk. He must find the vaccine, which, they say, is hidden somewhere in the infected and erased settlement from life.
In the tiny town of Nagievsk in the Sverdlovsk region, a catastrophe occurred. As a result of a failed experiment by scientists, the experimental virus they invented ended up in the drinking water, turning the townspeople into a horde of decaying undead, ready to devour anything in their path. Nagievsk was placed under quarantine and erased from all existing maps. Officially, such a town no longer exists. And it is precisely there that a young man named Max is heading from the nearby town of Porechensk. He must find the vaccine, which, they say, is hidden somewhere in the infected and erased settlement from life.
Nikita Akashev
Ekshtain's helper #2
Denis Arakhnidov
Max's friend
Dmitri Davydov
Zombie #2
Leonid Furman
Zombie #1
Mikhail Ivanov
Victim's son
Dmitriy Kasatkin
Yuriy Kireev
Aleksandr Kurochkin
Stanislav Murzikov
Viktor Murzikov
Dr. Ad
Marya Pankst'atova
Anton Petrushin
Zombie #3
Alexandr Rozhkov
Anna Shabanova
Zombie #4
Oleg Ufimtsev
Anton Vedernikov
Ekshtain's helper #1
Vladislav Zheludkov
Mariya Zubova