The film by the renowned filmmaking duo Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz was created within the framework of the German program «Film ohne Grenzen» (Film without Borders), which supports young individuals from various social backgrounds, including refugees, migrants, and teenagers from disadvantaged families. In 2022, the program's regular instructors, Faroqhi and Peretz, engaged former homeless youths in the making of a film. With the guidance of a social worker, an architect, and a historian, these young people worked on crafting a kind of memorial for the victims of a Nazi concentration camp that was once located in the area of a present-day Brandenburg village.
The film by the renowned filmmaking duo Anna Faroqhi and Haim Peretz was created within the framework of the German program «Film ohne Grenzen» (Film without Borders), which supports young individuals from various social backgrounds, including refugees, migrants, and teenagers from disadvantaged families. In 2022, the program's regular instructors, Faroqhi and Peretz, engaged former homeless youths in the making of a film. With the guidance of a social worker, an architect, and a historian, these young people worked on crafting a kind of memorial for the victims of a Nazi concentration camp that was once located in the area of a present-day Brandenburg village.