Lands of Steel
Lands Of Steel is a self-reliant CGI-animated movie, revolving around a solitary robot's odyssey through an uninhabited city in search of the Infected. However, in its journey, the robot finds itself contemplating the remnants of the once-thriving human world, which still lingers in certain aspects. Along the way, the robot confronts a myriad of dangers and wonders, stirring genuine emotions it never thought possible. The story delves into profound themes, including war and genocide, seen through the lens of a mindless robot, the timelessness of nature, and the exploration of moral complexities between what is good and bad.
Lands Of Steel is a self-reliant CGI-animated movie, revolving around a solitary robot's odyssey through an uninhabited city in search of the Infected. However, in its journey, the robot finds itself contemplating the remnants of the once-thriving human world, which still lingers in certain aspects. Along the way, the robot confronts a myriad of dangers and wonders, stirring genuine emotions it never thought possible. The story delves into profound themes, including war and genocide, seen through the lens of a mindless robot, the timelessness of nature, and the exploration of moral complexities between what is good and bad.
The Boy and the Heron
7.5Avatar: The Way of Water
7.6Spider-Man: No Way Home
7.6The Batman
8.4Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
8.0Gone Girl
7.9Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
6.3Get Out
7.6Jojo Rabbit
8.0Escape Room
8.1Ready Player One
7.6The Super Mario Bros. Movie
7.6The Truman Show