Bufferin Commercial
A commission organised by Richard Frank from the Grey advertising agency in New York on behalf of the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers. The concept was to make a film of Warhol's choosing - any length, any subject, any number of people. This was to be done in front of a live audience of ad executives and creative types. There is some uncertainty surrounding the film's projection history as being either a single-screen 66 minute film or a double-screen projection that would be 33 minutes in duration.
A commission organised by Richard Frank from the Grey advertising agency in New York on behalf of the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers. The concept was to make a film of Warhol's choosing - any length, any subject, any number of people. This was to be done in front of a live audience of ad executives and creative types. There is some uncertainty surrounding the film's projection history as being either a single-screen 66 minute film or a double-screen projection that would be 33 minutes in duration.