Jason Todd (Francesco Di Maio) is wandering the streets of the Gotham Slums on Christmas Eve, spending his holiday with the forgotten and the abandoned of the city. Jay's longing for a better life is haunting him when his long-time “partner” and criminal father, Willis Todd (Eddie Vincent), pulls up with a mysterious stolen car. Jason reluctantly tags along on another shady job as his world begins to fall apart. A character study of a broken, but good-hearted, young man whose cruel, suffocating home seems never-ending in its apathy.
Jason Todd (Francesco Di Maio) is wandering the streets of the Gotham Slums on Christmas Eve, spending his holiday with the forgotten and the abandoned of the city. Jay's longing for a better life is haunting him when his long-time “partner” and criminal father, Willis Todd (Eddie Vincent), pulls up with a mysterious stolen car. Jason reluctantly tags along on another shady job as his world begins to fall apart. A character study of a broken, but good-hearted, young man whose cruel, suffocating home seems never-ending in its apathy.
Francesco Di Maio
Jason Todd
Eddie Vincent
Willis Todd
Sheldon Ingram
Old John
Leo Mengine
Young Jay
Michelle Do
Roxy Drake
Kevin Sinic
Etta Cox
Angie Jones
Chad Conley
The Batman
Wali Jamal
Earl Cooper
Charlie Mengine
James Michael Shoberg
Michael Z. Atrata
Quason Jones
Masked Bunny
John Graves
The Clerk