Newscast made by the production company Magallanes Film, made up of José Bohr and Antonio Radonich. Film premiered at the Teatro Royal in Punta Arenas on March 28, 1919. It consists of the following paintings: – Dawn in Punta Arenas. – General view of Punta Arenas from the port. – Arrival of the steamship “Alfonso”. – 1919 Exhibition held at the Sociedad Rural Hippodrome. – Exhibition attendees. – Prize-winning animals. Film restored by the National Cinematheque of Chile.
Newscast made by the production company Magallanes Film, made up of José Bohr and Antonio Radonich. Film premiered at the Teatro Royal in Punta Arenas on March 28, 1919. It consists of the following paintings: – Dawn in Punta Arenas. – General view of Punta Arenas from the port. – Arrival of the steamship “Alfonso”. – 1919 Exhibition held at the Sociedad Rural Hippodrome. – Exhibition attendees. – Prize-winning animals. Film restored by the National Cinematheque of Chile.