Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale
[INTERNATIONAL VERSION] Mouna Rudo was born and raised among the Seediq people, an indigenous tribe in Taiwan, and as he grew to be a man he became a member of the Seediq Bale, a courageous band of native warriors. However, Rudo's way of life is threatened under the yoke of occupying forces from Japan, who took over the nation in 1895. As Rudo sees the traditions and honor of his people stripped away, he realizes the time has come to fight back, and in 1930 he brings together a group of former Seediq Bale soldiers, many of whom have been reduced to infighting, and molds them into a revolutionary army. Rudo and his comrades make their stand when they confront Japanese occupation troops at a youth athletic event, leading to a violent confrontation between the Seediq forces and their oppressors.
[INTERNATIONAL VERSION] Mouna Rudo was born and raised among the Seediq people, an indigenous tribe in Taiwan, and as he grew to be a man he became a member of the Seediq Bale, a courageous band of native warriors. However, Rudo's way of life is threatened under the yoke of occupying forces from Japan, who took over the nation in 1895. As Rudo sees the traditions and honor of his people stripped away, he realizes the time has come to fight back, and in 1930 he brings together a group of former Seediq Bale soldiers, many of whom have been reduced to infighting, and molds them into a revolutionary army. Rudo and his comrades make their stand when they confront Japanese occupation troops at a youth athletic event, leading to a violent confrontation between the Seediq forces and their oppressors.
Nolay Piho
Mona Rudao
Umin Boya
Temu Walis
Masanobu Ando
Genji Kojima, Constable at Tonbara clan
Sabu Kawahara
General Yahiko Kamada
Vivian Hsu
Obing Tadao aka Hatsuko Takayama
Irene Luo
Obing Nawi aka Hanako Kawano
Landy Wen
Mahung Mona (Mona's Daughter)
Mona Rudao - Young
Pawan Nawi
Chief Rudao Luhe, Mona's Father
Yakau Kuhon
Tado Mona (Mona's Eldest Son)
Cheng Chih-wei
Biho Sapo
Yi-Fan Hsu
Ichiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nomin
Soda Voyu
Jiro Hanaoka aka Dakis Nawi