Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Legendary Battle Extended Edition
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle is an American superhero film serving as an extended-cut version of the two final episodes from Power Rangers Super Megaforce, namely "The Wrath" and "Legendary Battle". In the film, the Super Mega Rangers stand their ground against The Armada, who launch their final and most devastating assault on Earth.
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Legendary Battle is an American superhero film serving as an extended-cut version of the two final episodes from Power Rangers Super Megaforce, namely "The Wrath" and "Legendary Battle". In the film, the Super Mega Rangers stand their ground against The Armada, who launch their final and most devastating assault on Earth.
Andrew Gray
Troy Burrows/ Red Super Megaforce Ranger
Ciara Hanna
Gia Moran/ Yellow Super Megaforce Ranger
John Mark Loudermilk
Noah Carver/ Blue Super Megaforce Ranger
Christina Masterson
Emma Goodall/ Pink Super Megaforce Ranger
Azim Rizk
Jake Holling/ Green Super Megaforce Ranger
Cameron Jebo
Orion/ Silver Super Megaforce Ranger
Sean Cw Johnson
Carter Grayson/ Red Lightspeed Rescue Ranger
Alison MacInnis
Dana Mitchell/ Pink Lightspeed Rescue Ranger
Danny Slavin
Leo Corbett/ Red Lost Galaxy Ranger
Selwyn Ward
T.J. Johnson/ Blue Space Ranger
Patricia Ja Lee
Cassie Chan/ Pink Space Ranger
Jason David Frank
Tommy Oliver/ Mighty Morphin Green Ranger
Jason Faunt
Wes Collins/ Red Time Force Ranger
Reggie Rolle
Damon Henderson/ Green Lost Galaxy Ranger
Melody Perkins
Karone/ Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger
Hector David Jr.
Mike/ Green Samurai Ranger
Brittany Anne Pirtle
Emily/ Yellow Samurai Ranger
Geoff Dolan
Gosei (voice)
Estevez Gillespie
Tensou (Voice)
Adrian Smith
Redker (Voice)
Michael Drew
Emperor Mavro (Voice)
Chris Auer
Robo Knight