Pretty Smart
In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the pictures, she rallies the other girls and gets revenge.
In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the pictures, she rallies the other girls and gets revenge.
Tricia Leigh Fisher
Daphne Ziegler
Dennis Cole
Richard Crawley
Patricia Arquette
Kimberly B. Delfin
Paris Vaughan
Joely Fisher
Julie K. Smith
Samantha Falconwright
Lisa Lörient
Jennifer Ziegler
Kim Waltrip
Sara Gentry
Brad Zutaut
Elizabeth Davis
Richard Svare
Mr. Abercrombie
Konstantinos Tzoumas
Mr. Twill
Michele Valley
Ms. La Croch
Giorgos Kotanidis
Professor Raji
Nicholas Celozzi
Tennis Pro
Ken Solomon
Count Hawke
Tammy Hyler
Tour Guide
Philece Sampler
Mihalis Giannatos
The Turk
Vassili Karis
The Italian
Joseph Medawar
The Lebanese
Paul Mathus
The Colombian