Nawi is a Kenyan film that explores the intricate themes of love, identity, and cultural heritage, set against the vibrant backdrop of modern-day Kenya. The narrative centers on a young woman who is caught between the traditions of her upbringing and the pressures of contemporary life. As she confronts the weight of familial expectations and the pull of her own dreams, she embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
Nawi is a Kenyan film that explores the intricate themes of love, identity, and cultural heritage, set against the vibrant backdrop of modern-day Kenya. The narrative centers on a young woman who is caught between the traditions of her upbringing and the pressures of contemporary life. As she confronts the weight of familial expectations and the pull of her own dreams, she embarks on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
Naruto Shippuden: Sunny Side Battle
7.5Chunin Exam on Fire! and Naruto vs. Konohamaru!
7.4The Seventh Company Outdoors
6.7Terminator 5: The Death of Hollywood
6.1Smash and Grab
6.6J. Lo: Let's Get Real
8.9After Love
7.1De Dana Dan
5.6Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell
6.5Jigen Daisuke
9.1The Die Is Cast
6.8Phir Hera Pheri
6.6Rotting in the Sun
6.0The Christmas Cottage
6.4Journey to Bethlehem
7.9Lion, London Zoological Gardens
4.8On the Edge