Small Town Spectres
Small Town Spectres is the debut film from filmmaker Troy Thomas. The film follows Jessica Miller, played by Ariana Shaw as she works with her cousin in hopes of documenting the killer responsible for her parents murder. The mix of haunting visuals with a chilling score from Sam Chandler, Small Town Spectres makes for a horrifyingly satisfying watch.
Small Town Spectres is the debut film from filmmaker Troy Thomas. The film follows Jessica Miller, played by Ariana Shaw as she works with her cousin in hopes of documenting the killer responsible for her parents murder. The mix of haunting visuals with a chilling score from Sam Chandler, Small Town Spectres makes for a horrifyingly satisfying watch.
Ariana Shaw
Jessica Miller
Ben Koontz
Detective Welles
Sam Chandler
Leonard Greenwood
Roc Beckford
Jed Broitman
Officer Carver
Bryce McLean
Mandy White
Ben Pratt
Officer Daniels
B.J. Johnson
The Stranger
Abigail Felts
Abigail Daniels
Zachary Hoyt
Kennedy Brauner
Tattoo Artist
Samantha Burns
Jessica's Grandma
Erica Grevenstuk
Jessica's Mom
Jaden McClendon
Jessica's Father
Jeremiah Scott
Officer Travis
Ethan Dean
The Stranger (Flashback)
Okechi Ukazim
Troy Thomas
Officer Richards/Uber Driver (voice)