Aparna, the only daughter and the apple of her mother's eye is engaged at a young age to her childhood friend, Ajay. After her mother’s death, her father remarries, and her stepmother begins to mistreat her. Desperate, Aparna flees with the help of Baren, a local goon with a good heart. She stays with Baren for safety and becomes involved in his group, though she urges him to turn his life around. Baren vows to protect her. One day, Aparna meets a stranger who turns out to be Ajay, and they are reunited. Baren is eventually arrested for his crimes but ensures Aparna's safety.
Aparna, the only daughter and the apple of her mother's eye is engaged at a young age to her childhood friend, Ajay. After her mother’s death, her father remarries, and her stepmother begins to mistreat her. Desperate, Aparna flees with the help of Baren, a local goon with a good heart. She stays with Baren for safety and becomes involved in his group, though she urges him to turn his life around. Baren vows to protect her. One day, Aparna meets a stranger who turns out to be Ajay, and they are reunited. Baren is eventually arrested for his crimes but ensures Aparna's safety.
Tanuja Samarth
Aparna (Pari)
Soumitra Chatterjee
Subhendu Chatterjee
Arun Mukherjee
Tarun Kumar
Aparna Devi
Barin's Mother
Reba Devi
Aparna's Mother
Gita Dey
Aparna's Stepmother
Tapati Ghosh
Jahar Roy
President of Cultural Program
Gangapada Basu
Kalyan Chatterjee
Bankim Ghosh
Ajit Chatterjee
Arun Chowdhury
Bijon Bhattacharya
Mani Srimani
Amarnath Mukherjee
Ramen Chatterjee
Biren Chattopadhyay
Gita Nag
Sucheta Bandyopadhyay