Swing: The Movie
In the gritty streets of 1945 Philadelphia, aspiring jazz musician and street hustler, Trip, dreams of a life-changing opportunity awaiting him in the vibrant world of Harlem. With three days until the audition, his journey takes an unexpected turn as he finds himself entangled in a web of corruption, vengeful gangsters, and the ominous presence of a mysterious figure.
In the gritty streets of 1945 Philadelphia, aspiring jazz musician and street hustler, Trip, dreams of a life-changing opportunity awaiting him in the vibrant world of Harlem. With three days until the audition, his journey takes an unexpected turn as he finds himself entangled in a web of corruption, vengeful gangsters, and the ominous presence of a mysterious figure.
Atif Lanier
Nakia Dillard
Sergeant Ross
Jacinth Headlam
Mary Jane
Keith Bullard
Mississippi Black
Walter DeShields
Detective Stams
Donovan Hagins
Dwayne Alistair Thomas
Mississippi Black
Brian Anthony Wilson
Gregory R. Campbell
Kevin D. Benton
Bryan Donoghue
Officer Omalley
Robert Reed Murphy
Captain Muldoon