A Outra Face
The movie tells the story of Isabela, a freshman at the Escola de Comunicação who, after the tragic suicide of Ana, a college friend, discovers a cursed mirror that was linked to the young woman's death. The curse now falls on Isabela, who begins to be tormented by increasingly disturbing hallucinations. Determined to escape this dark fate, she must find a way to break the spell before it's too late.
The movie tells the story of Isabela, a freshman at the Escola de Comunicação who, after the tragic suicide of Ana, a college friend, discovers a cursed mirror that was linked to the young woman's death. The curse now falls on Isabela, who begins to be tormented by increasingly disturbing hallucinations. Determined to escape this dark fate, she must find a way to break the spell before it's too late.
6.4LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
6.8SS Experiment Love Camp
5.7Darkland: The Return
6.7Grey Eyes
5.7Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Hashira Meeting Arc
6.4Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mt. Natagumo Arc
6.3With a Right to Kill
6.6One More Shot
6.5To Catch a Killer
6.9South Park: The 25th Anniversary Concert
8.3The Magician's Elephant