My Brother is a Chieftain
It was a rainy night. Khangai, taking his younger brother with him, ran away from someone and begged a family to adopt him, but the parents refused to let him. But Amraa begged until the end, kneeling down and begging for his life, and finally, as she had planned, she left her younger brother with a completely unknown family. The film begins with the complicated fate of the two siblings. 20 years later, Khangai searched for his younger brother, but his younger brother had disappeared.
Миний ах атаман МУСК Official trailer
Миний ах атаман 😂 Цагаан сар Covid-19 😂 Инээдмийн, хөгжилтэй бичлэг Ineedmiin, hogjiltei bichleg
Миний ах атаман- шилээр цохидог хэсэг.
Lhagwasvren - Erchvvd ( Х.Лхагвасүрэн - Эрчүүд ) lyrics
Кинон Дунд 04 сарын 09 дугаар Миний ах Атаман МУСК
Behind the Scenes
Миний ах атаман киноны бяцхан жүжигчид эгдүүтэй хүүхдүүд элэг авлаа хаха
Behind the Scenes
Миний аx атаман толгойг н шилээр xага шаадаг xэсэг
minii ah ataman making dugaar 13
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman making dugaar 12
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman making dugaar 11
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman making dugaar 10
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman making dugaar 9
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie №8
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie №7
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie №6
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie №5
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making dugaar №4
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie dugaar №3
Behind the Scenes
24 hurtel reklam 01
24 hurtel reklam
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman making dugaar 2
Behind the Scenes
"Minii ah ataman" making movie dugaar №1
Behind the Scenes
minii ah ataman neeltiin uil ajillagaa
Behind the Scenes
Миний ах атаман нээлт /Minii ah ataman/ neelt
Behind the Scenes
"Minii Ах Аtaman" 15 sec
"Minii Ah Ataman" 30 sec
Миний ах атаман-Эрчүүд OST Minii ah ataman "ERCHUUD"
Миний ах атаман official trailer /Minii ah ataman/ official trailer