Little Sky
Felix, a 21-year-old loner and drifter who seeks a way of life comes to a humble village entrerriano and work relationship with a man who after losing his job while you earn a living selling fruit, candy and canned prepared by his wife. The man takes his camper, which may help in exchange for food and a corner to sleep. As the days pass, tried to identify the bitter resentment of man, the quiet submission of his wife, discontent and violence undercover tense atmosphere. Also living there Chango, a baby a year and a half, unattended, which awakens in him the illusion of paternity until he is kidnapped and flees taking him to Buenos Aires.
Felix, a 21-year-old loner and drifter who seeks a way of life comes to a humble village entrerriano and work relationship with a man who after losing his job while you earn a living selling fruit, candy and canned prepared by his wife. The man takes his camper, which may help in exchange for food and a corner to sleep. As the days pass, tried to identify the bitter resentment of man, the quiet submission of his wife, discontent and violence undercover tense atmosphere. Also living there Chango, a baby a year and a half, unattended, which awakens in him the illusion of paternity until he is kidnapped and flees taking him to Buenos Aires.
Police Academy: Mission to Moscow
4.6Highlander III: The Sorcerer
4.7Asterix vs. Caesar
6.5Rate Me
5.1Cincinnati's Rock 'N Roll Legends
5.6Bank of Dave
7.0Marvel One-Shot: The Consultant
6.3Sijjin 4
5.5Friday the 13th Part III
4.6The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
5.8Blood Ties
6.1Bloody Daddy
5.9Paradise: Faith
6.6Lucky Girl
6.1The Way Back
4.7A Sunday Horse
6.5Ashes in the Sky