Oliver Hayes, an aspiring animator whose confidence is at a low point, meets the captivating and impulsive Lily Blush, who encourages him to drop everything and go with her to Northern California in the hopes of fulfilling his fantasy of working for Pixar Animation Studios. As they travel up the coast, Oliver falls deeply in love but upon making certain startling discoveries he must decide if he wants to face reality or stay in dreamworld.
Oliver Hayes, an aspiring animator whose confidence is at a low point, meets the captivating and impulsive Lily Blush, who encourages him to drop everything and go with her to Northern California in the hopes of fulfilling his fantasy of working for Pixar Animation Studios. As they travel up the coast, Oliver falls deeply in love but upon making certain startling discoveries he must decide if he wants to face reality or stay in dreamworld.
Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus
6.0Save the Date
8.1Django Unchained
8.2Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
7.1The Running Man
6.5Die Hard
7.8The Watchers
6.1Green Book
8.2Gone Baby Gone
7.3Grave of the Fireflies
8.5A Good Day to Die Hard
6.5Trading Places
6.8The Batman
7.7Death Proof