This movie starts with a college boy, Ganesh (Pawan Kalyan), who had been following a girl, Sandhya (Devayani), for the past four years; trying to express his love. Many times before Sandhya had warned Ganesh not to follow her so often. Ganesh tries to take help from Sandhya's friend (Sadhika) but fails. Ganesh, on his birthday, tries to express his love to Sandhya but was caught by her father, (Prakash Raj), who was a police officer who puts him away for harassing his daughter. Later Ganesh's father (Raghuvaran)bails him out. Ganesh's father goes to Sandhya's father with a marriage proposal for their offsprings.
This movie starts with a college boy, Ganesh (Pawan Kalyan), who had been following a girl, Sandhya (Devayani), for the past four years; trying to express his love. Many times before Sandhya had warned Ganesh not to follow her so often. Ganesh tries to take help from Sandhya's friend (Sadhika) but fails. Ganesh, on his birthday, tries to express his love to Sandhya but was caught by her father, (Prakash Raj), who was a police officer who puts him away for harassing his daughter. Later Ganesh's father (Raghuvaran)bails him out. Ganesh's father goes to Sandhya's father with a marriage proposal for their offsprings.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk I
6.7Bangkok Breaking: Heaven and Hell
6.5Darkland: The Return
6.4Kamen Rider SD: Strange?! Kumo Otoko
6.6Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir
7.2Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk II
6.3Return to Space
6.5Mobile Suit SD Gundam
5.5Alienoid: Return to the Future
6.6Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk III
6.3The Duel
6.1Old Man Junior
6.5The Accursed