Set during Japan's Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of interpersonal conflicts are brewing in the training room, all centering around a handsome young samurai named Sozaburo Kano. The school's stern master can choose to intervene, or to let Kano decide his own path.
Set during Japan's Shogun era, this film looks at life in a samurai compound where young warriors are trained in swordfighting. A number of interpersonal conflicts are brewing in the training room, all centering around a handsome young samurai named Sozaburo Kano. The school's stern master can choose to intervene, or to let Kano decide his own path.
Takeshi Kitano
Toshizo Hijikata
Ryuhei Matsuda
Sozaburo Kano
Tadanobu Asano
Hyozo Tashiro
Yoichi Sai
Isami Kondo
Shinji Takeda
Okita Sōji
Susumu Terajima
Tomorowo Taguchi
Samurai Tojiro Yuzawa
Yoji Tanaka
Samurai executed by Kanô
Kei Satō
Narrator (voice)
Jiro Sakagami
Eve Masatoh
Yoshiaki Fujiwara
Kenichi Urata
Shun Sugata
Yuji Yamazaki
Usaburo Oshima
Takashi Odajima
Uno Kanda
Kazuko Yoshiyuki
Mami Nakamura
Makoto Togashi
Chikako Aoyama
Koji Matoba
Masa Tommies
Masatô Ibu
Katsura Zakoba
Daisuke Iijima
Yōichi Iijima
Ito Yozaburo
7.5The Road Home
7.5Vengeance Is Mine
7.5Blue Spring
7.0Love Life
7.3Pastoral: To Die in the Country
7.5Ju Dou
7.2Six Singing Women
7.3In the Realm of the Senses
8.1Killers of the Flower Moon
7.4My Mother's Castle
7.22001: A Space Odyssey
8.1The Dark Knight
8.5Blade Runner
7.9Forrest Gump
8.5Rosemary's Baby