Life on the Hegn Farm
Also known as Life on the Hegn Farm, this domestic drama is based on a popular novel by Jeppe Aakjear. Simple in the extreme, the story concerns the romantic travails of country lass Trine (Karen Nellemose), who is being forced into a wealthy marriage to a man she does not love.
Also known as Life on the Hegn Farm, this domestic drama is based on a popular novel by Jeppe Aakjear. Simple in the extreme, the story concerns the romantic travails of country lass Trine (Karen Nellemose), who is being forced into a wealthy marriage to a man she does not love.
Holger Reenberg
Wolle Rævsgaard
Willy Bille
Karen Rævsgaard
Karin Nellemose
Trine Rævsgaard
Peter S. Andersen
Gamle Kræn Rævsgaard
Carl Heger
Visti Andersen
Axel Frische
Per Søwren
Sigrid Neiiendam
Ane Søwren
Erik Henning-Jensen
Gaardejer 'Hellig-Mads' Villadsen
Carlo Wieth
Proprietær Nørholm
Kai Paaske
Gaardejer Esper Vøvtrup
Sigurd Wantzin
Gaardejer Søren Østergaard
Petrine Sonne
Jakob Nielsen
Forkarlen Anders
Alfred Bagger
Røgteren Søren
Karen Marie Løwert
Carl Lundbeck
Slagter Ræber
Kai Holm
Kromand Sigvaldsen
Ejner Federspiel
5.7Mujib: The Making of a Nation
6.5The Ghost Station
6.3River of Fear
6.7Gracie & Pedro: Pets to the Rescue
7.4Love Trip
4.3Krummel - Flo de liegende vlieg
5.5Filip z konopi
6.1Love for Sale
5.6Ghost Rider 3 Goes Crazy in Europe
7.3Fireball of Christ
6.0The Last Oasis
7.8Old Man Junior