Agent 69 Jensen in the Sign of Sagittarius
Secret Albanian rocket plans worth 10 million have been stolen - and Albanian, Chinese, Russian and Danish agents vie to recover them.
Secret Albanian rocket plans worth 10 million have been stolen - and Albanian, Chinese, Russian and Danish agents vie to recover them.
The Zodiac-films is a series of six feature films from 1973–78, and form part of the wave of erotic films from Denmark. The Six films are connected by a zodiac-starsign in the title of each film. They were produced by the film company Happy Film. The first film was directed by Finn Karlsson, the five others by Werner Hedman. All six starred Danish actor Ole Søltoft. All the Zodiac-films had many hardcore pornographic sex scenes, but were nevertheless considered mainstream films. They all had mainstream casts and crews, and were shown in mainstream cinemas and reviewed in national newspapers etc.
It's 1930 and two record producers are competing to sign a big contract with the leading singer of the day. One kidnaps the other, thinking it's in the bag - unaware that his competitor has a twin who will step in to save the day.
The town's wealthy benefactor dies, and leaves a bizarre bequest: unless one of the self-righteous citizens can produce an illegitimate child in 9 1/2 months, all his money goes to homeless cats, and they must start paying taxes.
The impending approach of Venus - known to cause "disturbing erotic behavior" - sends two men with very different missions to the town of Petit-Bois. One to save the schoolgirls from lust, the other to test a new aphrodisiac. Chaos ensues.
Elderly sisters write a tell-all erotic memoir that threatens to undermine a nasty nobleman.