The Bear Dodger
Created by Noburo Ofuji, who had been cartoon making since the 1920s, often with decorative paper cutouts. The character animation looks like it was done 15 years before, but a lot of the elements are highly original; design (those trees!), use of camera focus. Heavily musical in a manner that recalls animation's earliest use of sound. The lesson here is: "If you can't count on your friends, travel alone".
Created by Noburo Ofuji, who had been cartoon making since the 1920s, often with decorative paper cutouts. The character animation looks like it was done 15 years before, but a lot of the elements are highly original; design (those trees!), use of camera focus. Heavily musical in a manner that recalls animation's earliest use of sound. The lesson here is: "If you can't count on your friends, travel alone".
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
6.2Young Frankenstein
7.3Flesh + Blood
6.6The Next Karate Kid
5.3Battle for the Planet of the Apes
5.7The Two Missionaries
6.5Lethal Weapon 2
6.3The Second Act
6.0The Botanical Avatar of Mademoiselle Flora
6.4Big Trouble in Little China
7.2The Cameraman
7.9Roger & Me
7.1Time Bandits
6.6Tremors 2: Aftershocks
6.3Chopping Mall
5.8Life of Brian
7.8Licence to Kill
6.4Blood Ties