Practice Makes Perfect
When the good citizens are already in bed, things get busy at the local pub. The regulars have a lot going on and no skirt is too short and no girl too young for these horny guys. Of course, things can go wrong, especially when the girls are willing but inexperienced and the punters are too lascivious. Fortunately, there is a disreputable but very popular establishment in the small town. There you can let off steam to your heart's content.
When the good citizens are already in bed, things get busy at the local pub. The regulars have a lot going on and no skirt is too short and no girl too young for these horny guys. Of course, things can go wrong, especially when the girls are willing but inexperienced and the punters are too lascivious. Fortunately, there is a disreputable but very popular establishment in the small town. There you can let off steam to your heart's content.
Josef Moosholzer
Ulrike Butz
Petra Steiner
Inga Hoffmann
Kundin von Detektiv Schlüpf
Anette Sanderer
Victor Lange
Horst Gebert
Verena Larré
Johannes Buzalski
Brandstifter am Puff
Natascha Zago
Karla Meding
Lorena Marks
Marina Blümel
Prostituierte im Puff
Britt Corvin
Karin Glier
Kurt Meinicke
Gerhard Ruhnke
Emil, 2. Brandstifter am Puff
Waltraud Schaeffler
Prostituierte im Puff
Wolfgang Scherer
Lore Deckert
Schlüpfs Sekretärin
Karin Götz
Mädchen in Autowaschanlage
Karin Hofmann
Frau in Küche
Leo Huck
Herr Schneider
Flavia Keyt
Frau Konsul
Eleonore Leipert
Frau auf Wiese
Ingeborg Moosholzer
Hasso Preiß
Konstantin Wecker
Stefan Schnell - Geliebter von Vera und Petra