Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...
Vadim, a part-time dump truck driver in Leningrad, picks up an extremely young woman, along with a newborn baby. Vadim is forced to spend the rest of his day with Anna, helping her untangle herself from unpleasant, dramatic, and even tragic situations – and she and she alone is to blame for all of them. The baby, which Anna stole in order to make an impression on an estranged lover, is finally returned to its parents, but the problems that the theft caused remain.
Vadim, a part-time dump truck driver in Leningrad, picks up an extremely young woman, along with a newborn baby. Vadim is forced to spend the rest of his day with Anna, helping her untangle herself from unpleasant, dramatic, and even tragic situations – and she and she alone is to blame for all of them. The baby, which Anna stole in order to make an impression on an estranged lover, is finally returned to its parents, but the problems that the theft caused remain.
Olga Mashnaya
Valeriy Priyomykhov
Vadim Sarokhtin
Lembit Ulfsak
Nikolay Lavrov
Lora Umarova
Larisa Umarova
Boris Arakelov
Sergey Golubev
Aleksandr Demyanenko
Marina Levtova
Sergei Losev
Lyubov Malinovskaya
Darya Moroz
Polina Petrenko
Galina Saburova
Lyubov Tishchenko
Galina Chiginskaya
Vladimir Vysotsky
(singing voice)
The Substance
7.1Ready Player One
7.6Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
7.9Kingsman: The Secret Service
7.6Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two
7.4Inside Out
7.9Ghostbusters: Afterlife
7.4Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale
7.7Spider-Man: No Way Home
8.0Venom: Let There Be Carnage
6.8Godzilla vs. Kong
7.6The Meg
6.3Main Hoon Na
6.7Avengers: Infinity War
8.0Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F
6.7Where the Crawdads Sing
7.6Ultimate Avengers 2