Revenge of the Snakes
The film follows the life of a poor, old woman defying the hierarchy in the village. Irazca is an old woman who lives with her son Kara Bayram, her daughter-in-law Hatice, and three grandchildren. The headman of the village sells a lot from the common land of the village to Haceli. The family does not want a house to be built in front of their house and struggles against the tricks of the headman and Haceli.
The film follows the life of a poor, old woman defying the hierarchy in the village. Irazca is an old woman who lives with her son Kara Bayram, her daughter-in-law Hatice, and three grandchildren. The headman of the village sells a lot from the common land of the village to Haceli. The family does not want a house to be built in front of their house and struggles against the tricks of the headman and Haceli.
5.8Dance with the Jackals 2
4.9Friday Night
7.2The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
8.2Django Unchained
8.4The Cabin in the Woods
6.6The Silence of the Lambs
8.3Life of Pi
8.5The Watchers
6.5The Imitation Game
8.0Die Hard
7.8Green Book
8.2The Shawshank Redemption