Liberty Heights
This semi-autobiographical film by Barry Levinson follows various members of the Kurtzman clan, a Jewish family living in suburban Baltimore during the 1950s. As teenaged Ben completes high school, he falls for Sylvia, a black classmate, creating inevitable tensions. Meanwhile, Ben's brother, Van, attends college and becomes smitten with a mysterious woman while their father tries to maintain his burlesque business.
This semi-autobiographical film by Barry Levinson follows various members of the Kurtzman clan, a Jewish family living in suburban Baltimore during the 1950s. As teenaged Ben completes high school, he falls for Sylvia, a black classmate, creating inevitable tensions. Meanwhile, Ben's brother, Van, attends college and becomes smitten with a mysterious woman while their father tries to maintain his burlesque business.
Adrien Brody
Van Kurtzman
Ben Foster
Ben Kurtzman
Orlando Jones
Little Melvin
Bebe Neuwirth
Ada Kurtzman
Joe Mantegna
Nate Kurtzman
David Krumholtz
Rebekah Johnson
Richard Kline
Charlie, Nate's Assistant
Vincent Guastaferro
Pete, Nate's Assistant
Justin Chambers
Trey Tobelseted
Carolyn Murphy
Dubbie the Blonde
James Pickens Jr.
Sylvia's Father
Frania Rubinek
Grandma Rose
Anthony Anderson
Kiersten Warren
Annie the Stripper
Shane West
Cloie Wyatt Taylor
Kevin Sussman
Alan Joseph Zuckerman
Katie Finneran
Mrs. Johnson
Jake Hoffman
Gideon Jacobs
Ben Kurtzman - Age 8
Evan Neumann
Charley Scalies
Susan Duvall
Teacher #2
Elizabeth Ann Bennett
Misha Collins
Guy (uncredited)
Christina DeRosa
Student (uncredited)
Stacy Keibler
Extra (uncredited)
Gerry Rosenthal
Ralph Tabakin