Teppei and Kamiya, two average joes working in the electronic services industry, stumble upon the intergalactic bounty-hunter Ilia, and her partner, the artificial intelligence named Bob. Both men are accidentally transported to the Zone, a virtual reality in which Bob has trapped Ilia's latest prey, a biological weapon named Zeram. The Earth natives must both survive the experience and help Ilia capture Zeram before the Zone disappears around them.
Teppei and Kamiya, two average joes working in the electronic services industry, stumble upon the intergalactic bounty-hunter Ilia, and her partner, the artificial intelligence named Bob. Both men are accidentally transported to the Zone, a virtual reality in which Bob has trapped Ilia's latest prey, a biological weapon named Zeram. The Earth natives must both survive the experience and help Ilia capture Zeram before the Zone disappears around them.
Cyber Ninja
6.7G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
5.8Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
7.9Man of Steel
6.6Star Wars
8.2The Dark Knight
8.5The Dark Knight Rises
8.4The Martian
7.7The Hangover
7.3Back to the Future
8.3The Matrix Reloaded
7.9The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
7.6The 5th Wave
5.9Mad Max: Fury Road
7.6The Prestige