Monster From Bikini Beach
MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH is the story of a primordial fiend who rises from the murky depths to quench its insatiable lust for Bikini-Clad Beauties. Will anyone save the Lovely Ladies of Camaroville from the beast's wanton rampage of total terror, or will they die trying?!
MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH is the story of a primordial fiend who rises from the murky depths to quench its insatiable lust for Bikini-Clad Beauties. Will anyone save the Lovely Ladies of Camaroville from the beast's wanton rampage of total terror, or will they die trying?!
David Ainsworth
Charlie Snaps
Betty Chiang
Judy Cooties
Rae Wright
Go Go Jones
Sid Garcia-Heberger
Loco Mo
Liesel Hanson
Fanny Jo
Bethany Hidden
Josafina Attractivo
Galen Howard
Archie Barclay
Stephanie Hyden
Raquel Vanvanderzander
Amber Kloss
Pinky Maldonado
Keith Letl
Noodlin' Stu
Bryce Marck
Hipster Nick
Miles Miniaci
Jimmy 'Biscuits' Calaveras
West Ramsey
Mobster Rob
Adam Saake
Lonny Volante
Laura Megan Stahl
Honey 'Boom Boom' Stacks
Tess Thomas
Miranda Cherry
Stephen Vargo
Sammy Payday
Joe Wilkinson
Luau Burdett