1932, Budapest. Gere János, an unemployed worker searching for employment in the capital, is organised into the secret police after a raid. Summary justice is declared, and the police wants to find an illegal communist press at any price. Gere, wandering about in the dark city, joins a man, helping him to carry his luggage. Slowly, Gere learns that his companion is a Communist and his task is to keep the press machine hidden from the police.
1932, Budapest. Gere János, an unemployed worker searching for employment in the capital, is organised into the secret police after a raid. Summary justice is declared, and the police wants to find an illegal communist press at any price. Gere, wandering about in the dark city, joins a man, helping him to carry his luggage. Slowly, Gere learns that his companion is a Communist and his task is to keep the press machine hidden from the police.
Ádám Szirtes
János Gere
János Görbe
József Tóth
Elma Bulla
Tóth's wife
Tivadar Uray
Agárdi Gábor
László Bánhidi
Lajos Bakay
László Misoga
Antal Farkas
László Ferencz
Ernö Szabó
Dezső Garas
János Pásztor
Ödön Gyalog
Sándor Tompa
András Tassy
István Kazán
Irma Vass
Éva Kelemen
Tibor Terecskey
László Keleti
Ervin Kibédi
László Kozák
Gabi Magda
János Makláry
Tibor Weygand