This animated short tells the story of Qalupalik, a part-human sea monster that lives deep in the Arctic Ocean and preys on children who do not listen to their parents or elders. That is the fate of Angutii, a young boy who refuses to help out in his family’s camp and who plays by the shoreline... until one day Qalupalik seizes him and drags him away. Angutii's father, a great hunter, must then embark on a lengthy kayak journey to try and bring his son home.
This animated short tells the story of Qalupalik, a part-human sea monster that lives deep in the Arctic Ocean and preys on children who do not listen to their parents or elders. That is the fate of Angutii, a young boy who refuses to help out in his family’s camp and who plays by the shoreline... until one day Qalupalik seizes him and drags him away. Angutii's father, a great hunter, must then embark on a lengthy kayak journey to try and bring his son home.
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
6.5The Wolf of Wall Street
7.3The Master
7.1Spider-Man 2
7.3The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
6.8Shutter Island
8.2Terminator: Dark Fate
6.4Die Hard
7.8The Lone Ranger
8.4Midnight Special
6.2E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
7.5Blood Ties
6.1Stand by Me
7.9Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
6.6The Evil Dead
7.312 Angry Men