One day, in the small peaceful town of Barrio Malinawon, seven young punks, who call themselves the Iskalawags because of their shared love for Filipino action movies (particularly those starred by their idol Jeric Raval), decide to set out on a mini quest to find the tree that according to Palot-the gang's de facto leader-bears the lone papaya fruit as large as the belly of Intoy's father.
One day, in the small peaceful town of Barrio Malinawon, seven young punks, who call themselves the Iskalawags because of their shared love for Filipino action movies (particularly those starred by their idol Jeric Raval), decide to set out on a mini quest to find the tree that according to Palot-the gang's de facto leader-bears the lone papaya fruit as large as the belly of Intoy's father.
Kerwin Otida
Reynaldo Formentera
Windel Otida
Johnreil Lunzaga
Joriel Lunzaga
Micko Maurillo
Jared AKA Bulldog
Mark Lourence Montalban
Jeric Raval
Husband of Ma'am Lina
Dionne Monsanto
Ma'am Lina
Michelle Acain
Mariah Gonzaga
Marcheta Ortiz
Palot's Mother
Narciso Dizon
Liklik's Father
Rey Samaco
Intoy's Father
Ramil Alcordo
Palot's Father
Edwina Alcordo
Intoy's Mother
Jobert Lucero
Peter Pangag
Pina Gonzaga
Nang Sipin
Robertson Tampus
Erik Tuban
the present Intoy
Keith Deligero
the Narrator
Lawrence S. Ang
Binisaya Projectionist
Fel Louise Alingasa
The Man in the shadow
Jerome Villamor
Habalhabal driver