Vampira: The Movie
Vampira The Movie chronicles the story of Malia "Vampira" Nurmi living on the very edge of show business and her rise to celluloid cultdom 50 years later. Her big break came in 1954 when she played the "glamour ghoul" Vampira, emerging from the mist to greet viewers of obscure horror movies on the new medium - television. Her newfound fame led to friendships with Marlon Brando, James Dean and Anthony Perkins. But Vampira's show was abruptly cancelled. Nurmi appeared as Vampira again in the 1959 low-budget horror / sci-fi film, Plan 9 from Outer Space, directed by Edward D Wood Jr. and often dubbed "the worst film of all time." But you can't keep a good vampire down and Nurmi's character rose from the dead again in 1993's Ed Wood, directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. The movie renewed interest in Maila Nurmi and she has since achieved a Bettie Page-like cult status.
Vampira The Movie chronicles the story of Malia "Vampira" Nurmi living on the very edge of show business and her rise to celluloid cultdom 50 years later. Her big break came in 1954 when she played the "glamour ghoul" Vampira, emerging from the mist to greet viewers of obscure horror movies on the new medium - television. Her newfound fame led to friendships with Marlon Brando, James Dean and Anthony Perkins. But Vampira's show was abruptly cancelled. Nurmi appeared as Vampira again in the 1959 low-budget horror / sci-fi film, Plan 9 from Outer Space, directed by Edward D Wood Jr. and often dubbed "the worst film of all time." But you can't keep a good vampire down and Nurmi's character rose from the dead again in 1993's Ed Wood, directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. The movie renewed interest in Maila Nurmi and she has since achieved a Bettie Page-like cult status.
Forrest J. Ackerman
Zack Beseda
Tom Mason
Count Smokula
Jami Deadly
Danielle Gelehrter
Deborah Dutch
Kevin Eastman
Sid Haig
Lloyd Kaufman
Bryan Mathew Kelly
The Amazing Criswell
Bill Moseley
Matthew Muhl
Ed Wood
Jerry Only
Cassandra Peterson
Debbie Rochon
Julie Strain
Maila Nurmi
John Zacherle
David J. Skal