In late-1970s suburban London, Chris and Marion have settled into a comfortable yet all-too-predictable middle-class existence. Chris receives an unexpected visit from his free-spirited friend Toni, a reunion that reminds him of a more carefree time in 1960s Paris. Now, with lingering doubts about his marriage bubbling up, Chris must make the choice between revisiting his youthful abandon with Toni or facing the here and now with Marion.
In late-1970s suburban London, Chris and Marion have settled into a comfortable yet all-too-predictable middle-class existence. Chris receives an unexpected visit from his free-spirited friend Toni, a reunion that reminds him of a more carefree time in 1960s Paris. Now, with lingering doubts about his marriage bubbling up, Chris must make the choice between revisiting his youthful abandon with Toni or facing the here and now with Marion.
Girl, Interrupted
7.6In Bruges
7.5Ulee's Gold
6.5Forrest Gump
8.5The Dark Knight
8.5The Matrix
8.2Get Out
7.6Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
6.6Star Wars
7.5Dr. No
7.0The Shawshank Redemption
8.72001: A Space Odyssey
8.1La La Land
7.9The Grand Budapest Hotel
8.0Loving Vincent
8.0Mad Max: Fury Road
7.6Dead Poets Society
8.3The Godfather