Super Robot Wars
Based on the popular video game series, this futuristic anime feature follows the plight of the Earth Federation, the last group of human beings on the planet, who are forced to defend themselves from elimination at the hands of an alien invasion. To give its troops a chance in battle, the Earth Federation Army has developed the "Personal Trooper," a mobile robotic weaponry system that fuses with the body of its human pilot to remain functional.
Based on the popular video game series, this futuristic anime feature follows the plight of the Earth Federation, the last group of human beings on the planet, who are forced to defend themselves from elimination at the hands of an alien invasion. To give its troops a chance in battle, the Earth Federation Army has developed the "Personal Trooper," a mobile robotic weaponry system that fuses with the body of its human pilot to remain functional.
Friends Jokes
6.3Mobile Suit SD Gundam
5.5Old Man Junior
6.9Kraven the Hunter
5.8SpongeBob Squarepants: Kreepaway Kamp
7.1Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Special
7.5Sonic the Hedgehog 3
7.6Mission: Cross
7.0The Hollywood Complex
8.7Civil War
6.9A House On Fire
6.7American Factory