The Winter's Tale (The Royal Ballet)
The story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Yet, through remorse and regret – and after a statue comes miraculously to life – the ending is one of forgiveness and reconciliation. Wheeldon continues his highly successful collaboration with designer Bob Crowley and composer Joby Talbot, the team behind Alice, in one of the highlights of The Royal Ballet Season.
The story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Yet, through remorse and regret – and after a statue comes miraculously to life – the ending is one of forgiveness and reconciliation. Wheeldon continues his highly successful collaboration with designer Bob Crowley and composer Joby Talbot, the team behind Alice, in one of the highlights of The Royal Ballet Season.
To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You
6.8A Star Is Born
7.5Who Would You Take to a Deserted Island?
4.4You Get Me
5.6Midnight Runners
7.5Kiss and Cry
7.3The Princess Switch
7.0The Layover
5.4Nappily Ever After
7.2Engaging Father Christmas
6.2Fyre Fraud
6.4A New Girl in Paris!
6.4Case Closed: Zero the Enforcer
6.2Maze Runner: The Death Cure
7.1Everybody Knows
6.5Before I Fall
5.8Sierra Burgess Is a Loser
6.3Pitch Perfect 3