Tokyo Rhapsody
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.
"Tokyo Rhapsody" consists of 11 short films all centered around the music genre known as "Kayokyoku". Kayokyoku is a catch-all term to describe the music that defined two generations of post-war Japan. Although the term survives, it has a strong connotation with a simpler, pre-"Economic Bubble" era when Japanese people shared a common identity in the reconstruction of their nation.
Satoshi Tsumabuki
Ayumi Ito
Yoshikazu Ebisu
Ren Osugi
Shinji Takeda
Asaka Seto
Keiko Takahashi
Kimiko Yo
Hiromasa Taguchi
Toshiyuki Kitami
Anri Ban
Munetaka Aoki
Masahiro Hisano
Asahi Uchida
Ryosei Tayama
Naomasa Musaka
Takuya Nakayama
Ryohei Abe
Iku Takamatsu
Yuriko Yoshitaka
Daisuke Honda
Shin Yazawa
Kazuma Yamane
Toshifumi Muramatsu
Kazuhiro Yamaji
Satoru Matsuo
Yoji Tanaka