Super Spy: The Final Exit
In this urban comedy, an aspiring young filmmaker named Sherlock heads off to Hollywood in hopes of making a blockbuster action movie and becoming famous. Everything seems to be going as planned, with filming underway, until the cameras record something accidentally. What ends up on film will be something that all involved wish they'd never been associated with. Stars A.J. Jamal.
In this urban comedy, an aspiring young filmmaker named Sherlock heads off to Hollywood in hopes of making a blockbuster action movie and becoming famous. Everything seems to be going as planned, with filming underway, until the cameras record something accidentally. What ends up on film will be something that all involved wish they'd never been associated with. Stars A.J. Jamal.
A.J. Jamal
Yul L. Spencer
Slick Mango
LisaRaye McCoy
CIA Lady
Art Evans
Willie Ray
Garrett Morris
Man In Shadow
Reynaldo Rey
Fast Eddie
Tommy Lister Jr.
Officer Johnson
Eugene Williams
Bad Guy 2
Gretchen Janke
News Anchor, Dead Lady, Car Rental Girl
Kobayashi Karyn
Asian lady
Conchita Leeflang
Jimmy Logston
Jimmy Bond
David Tyree
Eric Stone
Bad Guy 1
Nicholas Ralbovsky
Transient Man
Tamara McDonald
Bond Girl
Rey Rey
Bond Girl
Lindy Gamble
Bond Girl
Bond Girl
Earlene Cook
Sherlock's Mom